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Quote For The Day:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cool Weather Tips

This time of year is upon us again.  Do what you can to keep you and yours healthy!  Here are some tips from me and the web. Just remember that stress and/or lack of happy things, not eating right, and not taking care of yourself will catch up to you worse during the Winter when the cold air makes us even more susceptible. 
Do things that are relaxing, and don't be so stressed out so much.  Make a conscious effort to MAKE yourself RELAX more.  It will really make a difference.  Do something to pamper yourself, or to de-stress yourself, or whatever it may take for you personally.  Just do it. "Prevention isn't just about avoiding germs. What you eat, how you handle stress, and what you do in your downtime are all factors in keeping you healthy. You'll not only have a stronger immune system but feel healthier and happier, too."

Tips from the web: Get a flu shot. Eat right. Exercise. Take a multi-vitamin. Sleep well.

Strengthen your immune system: Laugh, Love, Listen.
- Music for the masses.  You can listen to any genre, be it bluegrass or hip-hop; as long as you like it, your health will benefit.  Music raises IgA levels, especially during times of stress.
- Laughter may enhance immune function!  Don't be stressed out, take time to spend with friends.
- "Avoid a distinctly unsexy stuffy nose by carving out time for lovemaking."

Don't breathe through your mouth when you're out in the cold.  Your nose not only filters out germs and particles, it also warms up the air a bit before it hits your lungs.

Hands are a primary courier of cold and flu viruses, which can live on door knobs, keyboards, steering wheels and other frequently touched surfaces for up to a day. Try to avoid touching potentially contaminated surfaces, and wash often (and properly).

garlic When crushed or sliced, fresh garlic releases a substance called allicin, which is thought to have both antiviral and antibacterial properties.
mushrooms Certain varieties, including shitake, reishi, and maitake, contain potent poly-saccharides, sugar compounds that can increase white blood cell levels and prevent infection.
red bell peppers One cup provides 190 mg of vitamin C--more than twice the amount you'd find in an orange--which raises levels of immune-protecting natural killer cells.
brazil nuts Just one has more than the recommended daily allowance for selenium, a mineral that reduces cold symptoms.

Tips for kids
Hypothermia occurs when a child's temperature falls below normal due to exposure to cold. It often happens when a child is playing outdoors in extremely cold weather without wearing proper clothing.
Frostbite occurs when skin and outer tissues become frozen—most often the extremities including ears, fingers, nose, and toes.  In case of frostbite, move the child indoors and place the frostbitten parts of the body in warm (not hot) water. Warm washcloths can be applied to frostbitten ears, lips, and nose. Do not rub frostbitten areas.
Nosebleeds occur in the winter due to dry air. The AAP recommends using a cold air humidifier in a child's room at night to help keep the inner tissues of the nose moist.
Dry skin—Many pediatricians believe that bathing two or three times each week is sufficient for an infant's first year. More frequent bathing can dry out the skin, especially throughout the winter months.
Keeping warm while outdoors in winter weather is all about layering. The AAP recommends dressing infants and children warmly for outdoor activities and notes a rule of thumb as dressing them in one more layer of clothing than an adult would wear in the same weather conditions.
The head is like a chimney when it comes to losing body heat. Approximately 50% of your body heat is lost from our heads so it recommends that a child should wear a hat while outdoors. The hat should cover the ears.


Mermaiden says:
at: February 25, 2010 at 1:34 PM said...

Prevent spreading or picking up germs or viruses! Use a paper towel to turn off faucets and touch door handles. Don't touch any public things like door handles and then touch your face.