At Ravelry, I have been an editing fool.
In the Crochet world, I finished a blanket for James, then Tijuana, and now I'm working on edging burp/bib sets for Chad and Erika. Whenever I get done with those, I might feel compelled to make something for Suzi too, and then maybe Samantha too if it's before I go visit her. Sheesh, it's baby season!
Whenever I get done with those, I will finally begin working on my Moonlight Sonata cardi I've had my eye on for a while now, since Leslie got me the yarn I wanted for it for Christmas.
In the Knitting world, I've had to table project #2 for all the baby crocheting! When I am finished with that, though, it's on to the Gorgonian Shawl, and/or the awesome sleeves that I'd love to make to go with a vest that's included in my sewing pattern #2 above, to become another cool costume piece.
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