So, I got some stuff in the mail today, and decided to set to work. I made some very Fall-ish bars: leaf shaped, pecan pie scented. They have oatmeal & honey in them too. Yum.

While I was at it, I made up a batch of workshop soaps. I wanted to give them as gifts last Christmas but didn't have them put together yet. They're made with borax and turpetine for deep cleansing!
I also made some bath melts. Cocoa butter and sweet almond oil combined with honey & almond fragrance in tiny little cubes to drop into a bath to make it super moisturizing. Better than bath oil beads!
And finally, I tried making my first round of fizzy bath bombs. I didn't read the instructions carefully enough and ended up wetting the mixture a bit too much and setting off the fizzing, so I don't know how these will turn out just yet. I tried to get them in control and let them dry so we'll see if they make it, and if they still fizz once they're dry...
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