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Quote For The Day:

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Life Tips

People have often remarked that I get a lot of things done, or that I am very active. In truth, it comes down to self management, determination, and perseverence. Anyone can get more things done if they put their mind to it. Instead of wasting time on the couch, or sinking many a long hour into gaming -- yes, I went there -- you could be taking care of things. And to be honest, you really won't miss the time you used to waste because you'll feel more accomplished and positive about your life. One good turn deserves another, they say. I know, we all need our decompression time. Nothing should replace that. If you come home from work and need time to "drain your brain," by all means - you can, and should. But don't spend all night parking on the couch. Don't spend the whole weekend locked in your room at the computer.  Trust me, I do know from experience how hard it sounds to get out of that groove. I have been there! But this is how I know how possible it actually is, and how beneficially it actually becomes. The key is to get more done by not just spending ALL your time "goofing off" but to reward yourself with some "you" time once you've made some accomplishments (even if small, like: take out the trash, or, whatever tasks need completion!).

So, I decided to write up my tips. I guess these are really more like life skills.
Ironically enough, I never finished this post. But I'm going to go ahead and post it. It may just remain as a work-in-progress as life goes on.  ;-)

Set reasonable, achievable goals. Pursue them. If goals become unreachable, adjust your list from time to time. Review your goals periodically, but always work on pursuing them.

Make daily goals. Set out to accomplish something, even small tasks, every day. You will feel more productive and start to find you get a lot more done as you get into the practice.

Make lists when you are busy and feeling hectic. If you can't remember what you meant to do, it can be frustrating. Making notes helps you organize your thoughts, as well as recall them later. Just jot down things you want to do but can't at the moment, and review it later at home or whenever you have downtime.

Think out your thoughts before sending emails. Don't just send off the first thought that pops into your head. The same should go for your spoken words. Think before you open your mouth, and choose your words deliberately to mean what you want to say. It's impossible to wipe out a wrong impression given off by words, whether verbal or written, in today's speedy day and age of rapid data. Don't blow your reputation or others' perception of you by saying things you may regret or wish you'd said differently. This does not just apply in the heat of a "moment." :)

Worry about the "big rocks" first. This is a method I learned in a training course at work which was designed for personal development. If you worry about the big topics, the smaller things will fall into place, just like if you had a big barrel of rocks and shook it around.  You would notice that the larger ones would rise to the surface. The smaller ones can easily fall around them, and fill in the cracks. Thoughts, problems, situations, and whatever you encounter in life can work from this basis.

Form long and short term goals. You can never reach a destination unless you plan it. Life is not all by chance. The power is in your own hands to make things happen. If you just teeter along blindly without taking the wheel, your car will swerve all over the place, and aimlessly go fourth, landing who knows where. Remember that YOU are the only person who has the power to be in control of you, and what goes on in your path. Take control, and choose a direction. When you set achievable goals, you can reach your destination in due time. If your goal is to pay off debts, for example, you need to set the goals of reducing spending, increasing income, etc. Eventually, if you stick to your goals, you will clear your debts. Worrying about the "big rocks" of what needs to be addressed, in this case paying off debts, helps the other day-to-day "small rocks" of how to get there fall into place better after you set your goals. You will find that with this example goal, you will have the long-term goal in mind while you set out to do short term tasks, like shopping or paying your bills. You will then make better choices about where to allocate your money to help you meet your goal. This principle can apply in other scenarios as well, though this is a good example.