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Quote For The Day:

Friday, October 17, 2008


Well, after several years, I finally found the inspiration to start playing again. When we went to the Video Games Live concert the other night, I was so totally inspired. I haven't played piano in years because I was so utterly bored with everything. So this was a rare event!

<-- album link

What did it was the girl there was jamming on the piano
<-- click if you want to enlarge photo

After years of lessons starting at age 5, around the time of high school I got thoroughly bored and quit playing entirely because I didn't see it going anywhere, and felt like it was a waste of my time to continue. It has taken until now for me to find a way to enjoy this talent again as a hobby. I'm so glad I can make use of that digital piano my folks got me now.

I say talent and not skill because later if I remember, I will insert a recording here that mom made of me at age 3.... I always begged her to play her piano, but she was afraid I'd just bang on it. When she got brave and finally let me try, I sat down and played her a song. ;)
It was something pretty natural to me. It's probably because she played a lot while pregnant, and throughout her life. Genes are funny things, aren't they?

But anyway, yeah, I realized that playing video game piano songs is perfect for me! I've started small for now but I have my ear on a few pieces to work my way back into. It's amazing how much sheet music you can find online.

Maybe, just maybe, if I get brave enough, I'll record some audio from my piano soon. I almost have To Zanarkland ready.